Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I am finally kinda of caught up with technology.. Yesterday I went and bought a webcam! LOL!! I am finally the shit! It took me long enough. Well I figured it out by myself. See I am computer retarded. I can only do your basic crap on it.. I am very excited to use it soon but of course by husband has been online the past 3 day before this.. Why did I think he would be on today.. I only bought a webcam and I was only planning to moon him! LOL! J/K. Plus Jamie made a good point. What if the picture freezes right on my ass. Could you imagine! HAHAHAHA! Stuff like this happens to us all the time. LOL! Yesterday the webcam he got on to use didn't want to work on our turn. It worked just fine for the soldier before him. Well now we play the waiting game to see when we can use it. For now I am going to let Kate use to see Rachel and Aidan. She misses them and talks about them all the time! I love technology! Now if I can just keep up with it! HAHA!


Jamie said...

yay for webcams! hopefully leo gets online soon so you can talk (or moon him) LOL

theresataylor said...

Since we FINALLY got one too the other day, maybe Jacob and Kate can talk too!! :)